As of Monday, April 29, the Office of the Assessor-Recorder has a new main office phone number, 628-652-8100. For the 12 months following this transition, constituents who call the Office’s prior phone number will automatically be transferred to our new line. As part of this transition, the Office is instituting key upgrades to improve the experience that San Franciscans have when calling us. To learn more, click here.
Certificate of Disability (BOE-62-A)

If submitting in connection to a base year value transfer claim, use this form if the sale of the original primary residence and the purchase or new construction of the replacement primary residence occurred before April 1, 2021. For base year value transfers under Proposition 19, please use Certificate of Disability – for transfers completed on or after 4/1/2021 (BOE‐19‐DC).

NOTE: In November 2020, California voters passed Proposition 19, which makes changes to property tax benefits. Please visit the Proposition 19 resource page for more information.

Form Number: 

Last updated: 4/23/21