As of Monday, April 29, the Office of the Assessor-Recorder has a new main office phone number, 628-652-8100. For the 12 months following this transition, constituents who call the Office’s prior phone number will automatically be transferred to our new line. As part of this transition, the Office is instituting key upgrades to improve the experience that San Franciscans have when calling us. To learn more, click here.
Claim for Intracounty Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Property for Property Damaged or Destroyed in a Governor-Declared Disaster

Use this form if both the sale of the original primary residence and the purchase or new construction of the replacement primary residence occurred before April 1, 2021. For base year value transfers under Proposition 19, please use Claim for Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Primary Residence for Victims of Wildfire or Other Natural Disaster (BOE‐19‐V).

Revenue and Taxation Code Section 69 allows owners who own property to transfer the base year value of the original property that has been substantially damaged or destroyed by a disaster to comparable property. The following requirements must be met:

  1. The disaster must be a major misfortune or calamity in an area proclaimed by the Governor to be in a state of disaster as a result of the misfortune or calamity;
  2. The replacement property must have been acquired or newly constructed within five years after the date of the disaster(including land); and
  3. The buyer of the replacement property must have been the owner of the damaged property. Property is considered damaged or destroyed if it sustains physical damage amounting to more than 50 percent of its full cash value immediately prior to the disaster. Includes diminution in value resulting from disaster caused permanent restricted access.

Property is substantially damaged if the land or the improvements sustain physical damage amounting to more than 50 percent of its full cash value immediately prior to the disaster.

The replacement property must be substantially equivalent to the original. A general definition of substantially equivalent is similar in size, utility, function, and zoning.

In general, the factored base value of the original property will be applied to the replacement provided that the fair market value of a replacement property on the date of purchase or completion of construction does not exceed 120 percent of full cash value or fair market value of the original property immediately prior to the date of disaster.

If the full cash value of the replacement property exceeds 120 percent of the full cash value of the original damaged property, then the amount of the full cash value over 120 percent shall be added to the factored base year value of the original parcel. Once the factored base year value is transferred to the replacement property, the damaged property will be reassessed at the lower of its full cash value or the retained factored base year value.

If the full cash value of the replacement property is less than the factored base year value of the original damaged parcel, then the lower value of the new replacement property shall become the factored base value of the replacement parcel.

If, after the factored base year value is transferred, reconstruction occurs on the damaged property, the new construction shall be assessed at full cash value.

Co-owners of an original parcel may not independently transfer the original value to two separate properties.

The acquisition of an ownership interest in a legal entity that, directly or indirectly, owns real property is not an acquisition of replacement property under the law.

Submission Deadline: The replacement property must have been acquired or newly constructed within five years after the date of the disaster (including land)

NOTE: In November 2020, California voters passed Proposition 19, which makes changes to property tax benefits. Please visit the Proposition 19 resource page for more information.

Form Number: 

Last updated: 8/24/21